How are N95 Mask Fit Testing Performed?

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N95 mask fit testing is typically performed using one of two methods: qualitative fit testing and quantitative fit testing. These methods are designed to assess the seal and fit of an individual’s N95 respirator mask to ensure proper protection against airborne particles. Here’s an overview of how each testing method is conducted:

Qualitative Fit Testing:

The wearer dons the N95 mask and performs a series of specific exercises, such as normal breathing, deep breathing, turning the head side to side, moving the head up and down, talking, and grimacing. A test agent, usually a harmless and bitter-tasting aerosol or saccharin solution, is introduced around the mask while the wearer performs the exercises.

If the wearer can detect the taste or smell of the test agent, it indicates a potential leakage and an inadequate fit. The mask may require adjustment or a different size/model.

Qualitative fit testing relies on the wearer’s subjective response to detect any leakage and assess the mask’s fit.

Quantitative Fit Testing:

The wearer wears the N95 mask and a fit test hood or enclosure that covers their head.

A specialized fit testing machine, such as a particle counting machine, is used to measure the number of particles inside and outside the mask while the wearer performs a series of exercises, including normal breathing, deep breathing, and moving the head.
The machine calculates a fit factor by comparing the particle concentrations inside and outside the mask. A higher fit factor indicates a better fit and a more efficient mask.

Quantitative fit testing provides more objective results compared to qualitative testing and can be used to assess a wide range of mask types and sizes.

It’s important to note that N95 mask fit testing should be conducted by trained professionals who follow specific protocols and guidelines. The fit testing process ensures that individuals who rely on N95 masks, such as healthcare workers or individuals working in high-risk environments, have masks that provide an adequate seal and protection against airborne particles.

To learn more about canaPHEM Mask Fit Testing click here.